Welcome to Phone Geeks. We’re your go-to spot for all things tech, offering top-tier services and tech support for a wide range of devices.

(818) 208 1787


7570 Winnetka Avenue,
Winnetka CA 91306

At Phone Geeks, we’re all about rocking repairs and solutions for your gadgets, like iPhones, iPads, Tablets, Laptops, Macs, and Windows PCs. Our dope crew is all about keeping your devices fresh and on point, so you can stay connected and in the game.

We got you covered with lit hardware repairs, from cracked screens to janky charger ports and wonky cameras. We fix ’em all with mad skills and precision, so you’re back in action in no time.

No worries about replacement parts – if your device is a hot favorite, we got ’em in stock. Quick diagnoses, best-case and worst-case scenarios laid out, and with your nod, we’ll make the magic happen, often same-day turnaround, while you chill.

Tech acting up? We got your back with wicked software solutions. Slow performance or sketchy malware issues, we’re here to set things right. Plus, we’ll hook you up with seamless data transfers and app setups – all swag and no sweat.

Securing your data is our jam. We’ll back up your contacts, photos, and jams, so you’re ready for whatever comes your way.

Partnered with PC Generation                                               Visit Us at pcgenerationstore.com

At Phone Geeks, it’s all about giving you the freshest tech game with top-notch service. Swing by 7570 Winnetka Avenue, Winnetka, CA 91306, and experience the hype of our epic services for all your electronic needs.

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